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Tuesday 29 November 2011

10.Tips To Change Your Mobile Cam To a Web Cam

In this modern age, all people has owned mobile. Mobile is the most essential means of communication. When I was free and I have a lot of time to rest, then I have to go outside with my friends to capture some especial moment on my mobile.
mobileIf you want to use your mobile camera as web cam, then I have some tips for you. It’s really unbelievable, but it is possible to do. These tips are useful for those who need to convert own mobile camera to a web cam in different devices such as: computer,Bluetooth adaptor for desktop. Software helps to converts mobile cam to a web cam. I have to provide you some tips to change your mobile camera to a web camera. I hope these tips are useful for you.

1.      First of all you can download and just install camera V1.5 for your computer.
2.      After you finish downloaded and them install both of them and them install both of them serially in computer and mobile.
3.       You’ll need to pair your cell phone with computer from Bluetooth.
4.       Then you can run smart cam program in windows.
5.      After finish run you have to open smart cam in your mobile.
6.      Now you can choose Bluetooth in windows as the connection in Files< setting.

After you finish above steps and in your mobile phone, you can select connect and choose the pc, but you should note that your pc must be visible to everyone. After you finish all activities or all activities you’ll seeing through your mobile on your computer. Then you can use it as webcam like as another messenger yahoo, hotmail.

I hope these tips will useful for you. If you want to convert your mobile cam to as a web cam, then you can follow above step.

Monday 21 November 2011

9.How to create Windows XP Live CD, complete with preinstalled programs

To create a Windows XP Live CD we will require

1. Bart PEbuilder
2. A CD burner like Nero
3. A bootable Windows XP CD and
4. Some pebuilder plugins to customize the CD.

Step 1: Download PeBuilder from here and install it. Make sure you have enough free space on the drive where you install the program. After you have finished adding all programs it will create an ISO to be burned into a disk. The size of the ISO will depend upon how many programs you add to your live CD. I would recommend atleast 700MB of free space.

Step 2: You may want to set a wallpaper that will appear on the desktop when you boot the CD. For this open the folder where you have installed PEbuilder and replace the file bartpe.bmp with the wallpaper of your choice.

Step 3: Download XPE plugin from here (direct download link). It's the GUI shell of the XP Live CD that will create the XP start button and taskbar. You are free to download as many plugin (applications) you want. Currently there are more than 500 applications to choose from. Both freewares and commercial applications are available. Antivirus programs like Kaspersky, NOD32, Avast; burning program Nero; media players like VLC; OpenOffice, Foxit PDF reader, Acrobat Reader etc are available.

Pebuilder plugins repository
More Plugins here

Step 4: After you have finished downloading all your favourite programs, open PEbuider and specify the source path to the Windows XP installation bootable CD. You can copy the CD to your hard disk and point the source to the copied file.

Step 5: Click Plugins and add all the plugins you have downloaded. Since we have added XPE, disable nu2shell and the startup group from the list of plugins.

Step 6: Specify the ISO image file and click Build. The program will integrate the plugins and create an ISO image.

Step7: Burn the image into a disk using any burning software and your live CD is ready.

The Live CD Desktop

Running Abiword

Running VLC Media Player