latest tips and tricks

hi... dear friends..........first thanking u very much for being here to visit my blog,get latest tips and tricks,the site would be updated daily

Thursday 28 June 2012

20.How to Recover the Data From a Desktop PC which Doesn’t Boot

Have you ever faced a problem where you Desktop PC is ruined and it doesn’t boot? Usually there are so many instances in our daily computing lives, where we might screw up our computer unnecessarily. May be it was unintentional, but what can we do to retrieve the most important data which is lost? Well, in this guide, we will show you how to recover your most valuable data from a Desktop PC, which doesn’t boot. This is a pretty common trouble in most of the computers around the world. Let us discuss the solutions that might prove handy if you ever lost data and your computer wont boot. Its pretty obvious you wont be reading this post if your computer isn’t booting. However it is, we are assuming that you are reading this post to fix the problem back to its original state so you can retrieve your data.
 recover data from pc which dont boot
Firstly, Windows may not boot in normal state, or worse, even the safe mode state. There are a few technical reasons as to why this happens. Let us understand why this happens.
1) Your file system or your hard drive is corrupted or damaged.
2) Hardware problems.
3) One or more boot files are corrupted or damaged.

How to approach and fix this problem
Firstly let us assume your data isn’t backed up. So you basically have two approaches to retrieve your data safely.
1) Remove your hard disk and connect it to a working computer by using a SATA, PCI or maybe even a USB and copy the data back to a working HDD to recover the data. And the second one is,
2) Boot your computer from a CD or a flash drive, you might be able to recover files from your computer while it is still in the hard drive. or you can use Knoppix“, which is a rescue media software that can be used to boot up your computer.Its a GNU/Linux bootable live CD/ DVD which can be used to access your computer even when it doesn’t boot. Firstly, Knoppix is a variant in Linux operating system. By using Knoppix, you can simply plug in your USB pen drive or a hard disk and simply copy paste your files and recover them easily.
recover data from pc which dont boot
You can get Knoppix from here. and Let us discuss the steps in detail to use knoppix.
1) Download the Knoppix software.
2) Burn it on to a CD in .ISO format.
3) Choose Boot from CD/USB at startup.
4) Wait till the Knoppix desktop appears.
5) Click the start button, just like in Windows.
6) Look for “Install Knoppix to flash drive” under Preferences and System Tools.

Now you can access all your system files and folders just like how you access your data in normal instances. So now you just plug in your Hard Disk or USB drive and just go to the path of the files that you stored them in. Select the files which you would like to recover and copy paste them on to your USB. And that’s pretty much it. You’re done. You have backed up your data successfully and now your data is safe. Hope this post has helped you in some way or the other. So if you ever come across such a problem where you can’t access your files. Knoppix is the way to go.

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Back Again ,with a latest working trick,found on a using this trick ,you can send
coloured Text or colured font while chatting or send private messages on facebook

Just follow this procedure:

Step 1:login to Facebook

Step 2:Open facebook chat or open PM/Privare message box of your facebook friend.

Step 3:Select codes for corresponding Alphabets from below list,this means for alphabet :A",
use the corresponding code [[107015582669715]]An so on...............


[[107015582669715]]= >A
[[116067591741123]] =>B
[[115602405121532]] =>C
[[112542438763744]] =>d
[[115430438474268]] =>E
[[109225112442557]] =>F
[[111532845537326]] =>G
[[111356865552629]] =>H
[[109294689102123]] =>I
[[126362660720793]] =>J
[[116651741681944]] =>K
[[115807951764667]] =>L
[[106596672714242]] =>M
[[108634132504932]] =>N
[[116564658357124]] =>O
[[111669128857397]] =>P
[[107061805996548]] =>Q
[[106699962703083]] =>R
[[115927268419031]] =>S
[[112669162092780]] =>T
[[108983579135532]] =>U
[[107023745999320]] =>V
[[106678406038354]] =>W
[[116740548336581]] =>X
[[112416755444217]] =>Y
[[165724910215]] =>Z

[Note ::::::"= . Symbol indicates "For Alphabet".]

Step 4: Select your one Alphabet code.
Step 5:Copy and pase that code in chat box or in message box.
Step 6:Than give one space.
Step 7:Than copy paste another code.
Step 8: when you are done,just send those codes,or,press Enter button of our Key board
Step 9:Code will get converted into coloured fonts.
Step10:look  in my example,i have written "BALU" using these codes ,you can copy paste that
combined codes ,as well.

Step 11: ENJOY

NOTE:-Main Drawback of these trick is, you can not send small letter/alphabets

Saturday 23 June 2012

18.How To Automatically Log Out From Facebook After Certain Time

I know its happen to many people , suppose you are chatting with your friends in Facebook then you got a phone on somebody came in your door , you just leave your PC without log out from Facebook and you forget that you were chatting with your friends in Facebook.On the opposite site your friend become angry that you are not replying.If you have face this kind stuff then best is automatically log off from Facebook after a certain or fixed time if you forget to log out.So try this awesome trick

Step 1:Download and install this Firefox add on 
                        "Facebook auto log out"
Step 2:Default time to auto log out is 60 second , just change it just opening the add on by  Clicking firefox in the top left,then Add-ons, then options.

This tool also make you log out if you close the window in which you open Facebook.This simple tool is awesome to automatically log off from Facebook.


Tuesday 19 June 2012 to put your images or photos on the Google Image search engine.

Please note that currently it is not possible to upload directly to Google. Please read on for an explaination of how to put your images or photos on the Google Image search engine.

How can I put my photo on Google?
Put your images on a website and wait for Google to see them, they will then include them in the image search, make sure you have some descriptive text near the image so Google understands what keywords to associate the image with. Ideally you should fill out an image ALT tag. (avoid keyword stuffing! Just write normally but think about your keywords.)

What if I do not own a website, can I upload to Google images?
No. Google is a search engine, they locate images on the web and create a link from Google Images. You cannot upload directly.

What If I do not own a website, neither I do not have a friend with a website. What now?

The easiest way to include your images would be to upload them to an image hosting site, like Picasa or Flickr, Google periodically checks these sites for new images, just be patient and make sure you have filled out a description next to the image. Make sure you have not blocked search engines with strict privacy settings.

Any other ways to include photos etc in Google Image search?

If you are confident with a computer then you could create a blog or free website, just put your images on the blog or site with some text and wait for Google to see them, you can submit new websites to Google here:  (just add the homepage and allow 1-3 weeks ish)

Flickr image hosting -
Picasa web albums and hosting -

Free blog software from Google's Blogger -
Free website software from Google -

Google images is a search engine, not a place to store your images. It works in exacttly the same way as "normal" search results. Google crawls the web and creates links to pages or images they find. So you cannot uplaod images directly to Google image search.

Here is a help video also by Google:

Monday 18 June 2012

15.Seagate Hard-disk Online Warranty Procedure.

Unlike Before Seagate hard-disk warranty replacement is not so easy now a days in India. Seagate hard-disk has changed there way of approaching the customers directly and gave the authority to Accel Frontline which is a service company dealing with many services of hardware companies like AMD, APACER, ASROCK, ASUS, GIGABYTE, INTEX, KINGSTON, MOSER-BEAR, SONY ERICSSON, SEAGATE & many more.
If any one of this is having a warranty problem or a device problem first you have o register here and then take the customer Id to the service center so that you can get your device for replacement. For Seagate follow the steps given below to get your hard-disk for replacement.
1) Go the Online Warranty Management website of Accel Frontline:
2) Select a vendor as Seagate and click on links beside that as click here.
3) Click on first link Customer Registration and Click on New Profile.
4) Now fill all the details of the page given there.see the below screen shot. and agree the terms and conditions and click on register.
5) You will be given a customer id as FA10249503. Note the Id some were.
6) Now take the Customer ID to your nearest Seagate warranty center which is linked up with Accel Front line and give the customer Id and your corrupted Seagate hard-disk and take a receipt and wait for 10 long days to get your new Seagate hard-disk.

Now as the Seagate Hard-disk is giving 3yrs warranty as like Western Digital its better to shift to that as i did :)

Wednesday 13 June 2012

13.How to (Flip) Upside Down Facebook Status Update

Go to the website
In the upper field type your status that you want to update and then click on Flip Text button.
Now in the lower field you will see flipped text of your status.


                     Copy it and update it as your status. 

Tuesday 12 June 2012


Men,here is yet another technique for you.
Here is awesome technique to move your display. 
you can move it by 90 or 180 or 360 can change your screen display.
this is one of the most frightening methods which changes windows benefit down to do so press control,Alt and then any of the four pointer important factors (any up,down, arrow button).
Left pointer key move by 90 stage.
Right pointer key move by 270 degree
Down pointer key move by 180 stage, change display.

Up pointer key make it normal.

That's it.

Sunday 10 June 2012

11.Change your Windows Look with Amazing Interface – New Rainmeter Themes

Its more than just obvious that you guys are using the standard windows operating system which was given by default. If you are using a customized desktop, that’s good, well if you don’t then read on. This post is gonna help you pimp your desktop the way you want by using Rainmeter. First of all you need to get yourself Rainmeter, it is an open source software that allows you to customize your desktop without any restrictiveness. It might not be used by everyone, but only the people who are bored with the same old desktop and who like to spice up their desktop to add that feel good interface with interactivity. So lets get started with Rainmeter, you can download it Rainmeter.
We will show you the step by step installation of Rainmeter and also how to use the Rainmeter to customize your desktop.
1) Install Rainmeter.
2) Once you’re done with the installation, run Rainmeter.
3) When Rainmeter opens, your desktop should look something like this
Rainmeter Themes
4) You’ll see lot of boxes, that give you some details about you system, time, date, download speed etc.If you don’t need a specific box to be displayed, you can simply unload it by right clicking on the box and choosing unload skin.
Rainmeter Themes
5) You can now move the boxes anywhere around your desktop and place them anywhere you like.
That’s is, you are done with setting up your Rainmeter. Now all you need is few Rainmeter Themes. You can find Rainmeter themes in a lot of websites. For example,

Deviantart: Rainmeter Themes

Since Rainmeter is based completely on visual elements and GUI. Most of the developers and users belong to the deviantart community. Here’s a link to browse the themes that might interest you – Deviantart Rainmaker Themes.
NOTE: While you are looking for those eye catchy themes, make sure you download only those themes which have comments enabled, so read the comments, watch what the other users have got to say about it and once you’re convinced that the theme is legit. You may download it. There have been reports that some of the users have been spreading viruses around that are pretty nasty. They include malwares that actually pretend to be themes, but are actually binary viruses that take control of your computers registries and what not. Also make sure that you don not run any .exe files.
Sorry if this scares you, but since it is a community and bad people exist, CoolPCTips is concerned about your computer’s safety and your integrity.Apart from that there is nothing to worry. Rainmeter Themes

Another popular community for Rainmeter skins, Get them here.

Lifehacker: Rainmeter Themes

Many of the Favorite and widely used themes are displayed on Lifehacker, you can get them from here.

The Official Rainmeter Forum:

Lot of Rainmeter users and developer post their works of themes on the official forums, get them from here.
Apart from giving you sources, CoolPCTips will give you our very own Favorited themes that might interest you.

The Ironman HUD Interface Theme 

Rainmeter Themes
This is one of my very own favorite themes on Rainmeter. You can download it here.


Rainmeter Themes
Another one from our side, its got all the important things that you’ll be needing. You can get Gnometer  from here.


Rainmeter Themes
It is a pretty exquisite theme that you will definitely love. You can get Enigma from here. Hope you guys have enjoyed this post, stay subscribed to us for more cool stuff like Rainmeter Themes in future.

Friday 8 June 2012

10.How to Remove Information About Yourself from Google Search

Search engines collect information from billions of pages out on the internet. Among these there might be pages that carry information about you – your email, your job, your interests, and even personally identifiable information such as your name, your phone number and your address. A surprisingly large number of people share a disturbingly detailed account of their lives with no one in particular on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and dozens of specialized social networking sites. Social networking sites usually offer certain degree of privacy but other sites such as forums and blogs are viewable by anybody and can appear in search results.

People have the tendency to reuse usernames when registering on different websites. It is very easy to build up a profile on such a person by searching their username on Google, and following every result the username shows up on. By picking up breadcrumbs, reading remarks and comments left behind on discussion boards anybody can get a fair idea of the person’s interests, where he lives and what he does.
If something compromising about you is on the Internet, first try to remove it from the site where it’s appearing. This means that you need to contact the webmaster of the page and ask them to take down the content in question. Remember that Google only indexes information that is already available on the Internet. If the content isn’t removed from the original site, people will be able to see it even if it doesn’t appear in Google’s search results.
To contact a webmaster, find a ‘Contact us’ link or an email address for the webmaster on the website itself. If you can’t find a contact address, look up a site’s webmaster information using a special search called a ‘Whois’ search. You can perform a Whois search using Google: just search for “whois”. Read how to find who owns a website for details.
Once the content is no longer available, go to and click on “Create a new removal request” and enter the URL of the page you want to remove from Google search. The URL is case-sensitive—use exactly the same characters and capitalization that the site uses.
There can be two scenarios:
  1. The page is removed from the site and now returns error code 404, i.e. Page Not Found.
  2. The page in question still exists but has been updated to remove information about you.
The webmaster tool automatically detects if the page returns error 404 and will ask you to confirm your request.
If the page still exist, you have to tell Google how the page has changed. For this, Google will ask you to type a word that no longer appears on the live page, but is still in the cached version. For example if the Google cache of the page contains your name which has been removed from the live page, type your name as it appears in the cached version but doesn’t appear on the updated page. Don’t tell Google that “my name has been removed’. Google suggests users to type a single word rather than a phrase as it often more effective.
Confirm the request and then Click Remove Cache. Once your request has been processed and Google confirms that the submitted word no longer appear on the page, the search result will no longer show a snippet, nor will the cached page be available. There is no estimated time frame when this would happen. It can happen as quickly as the next day or take weeks to update.
Before you request removal of your content from Google, you should make sure that the problematic content has been removed from the web. Otherwise, even if your request is successful, the information could reappear in Google’s index after 90 days.


want to block some unwanted emails in gmail ?

 JUST follow these steps
1. Login to your account
2. At the top-right corner, click on Settings
3. Under Settings, click on Filters
4. You’ll now see an option “Create a new filter“, click on it
5. Now in the Form field enter the email address from which you do not want to receive emails
For ex. you may enter in the From field to block all incoming emails from this address. However if you want to block the whole domain then use the following syntax: * Now all the incoming emails from the domain will be blocked.
6. Click on Next Step, select the action you’d like to take on the blocked emails. You may select the option Delete it so that the blocked email is moved to trash. To unblock the email, all you need to do is just delete the filter that you’ve created.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

7.down load any movie from this blog



NOTE:- for download, u must have to install a torrent ex:-utorrent,bit torrent etc...........

Tuesday 5 June 2012

6.మొబైల్ ద్వారా బస్ టిక్కెట్లు ఇలా..

రెడ్ బస్ మొబైల్ అప్లికేషన్ ఆండ్రాయిడ్

సమ్మర్ హాలిడేస్ లో రాష్ట్రంలోని వివిధ ప్రాంతాలకు నేరుగా ఆండ్రాయిడ్ ఫోన్ నుండే ప్రైవేట్ బస్ టికెట్లని బుక్చేసుకునే సదుపాయం వెబ్ సైట్ యొక్క మొబైల్ అప్లికేషన్ ద్వారా లభిస్తోంది.

దీన్ని మీ ఫోన్ / టాబ్లెట్ లో Google Play నుండి డౌన్ లోడ్ చేసుకుని ఇన్ స్టాల్ చేసుకోవచ్చు.
రాష్ట్రంలోని వివిధ ప్రాంతాల ఎంపిక, ప్రయాణ తేదీ, ప్రయాణీకుల సంఖ్య, ఎక్కడ ఎక్కుతారు వంటి వివరాలు ఎంచుకున్న తర్వాత ఇంటర్నెట్ బ్యాంకింగ్, క్రెడిట్ కార్డ్, డెబిట్ కార్డ్ వంటి వివిధ పద్ధతుల ద్వారా పేమెంట్ చేసి టిక్కెట్లని బుక్ చేసుకోవచ్చు.
ఈ వెబ్ సైట్ మొబైల్ టికెట్ (mTicket) సదుపాయం కల్పించడం వల్ల టిక్కెట్లని ప్రింట్ తీసుకోవలసిన పనిలేదు. మన మొబైల్ కి వచ్చే టికెట్ SMSని చూపిస్తే సరిపోతుంది.

ఆన్ లైన్ లో బస్ టిక్కెట్లు

నల్లమోతు శ్రీధర్ ఎడిటర్ కంప్యూటర్ ఎరా తెలుగు పత్రిక

Monday 4 June 2012

5.Google's new Search trick for Fun

Google is the dominant search engine. More than 90% users are using Google. Yahoo and Bing is not even close to Google. There main reason behind this immense popularity. Google not only providing good search results but also offering different kinds of funny tricks to satisfy it's user. We have seen many beautiful Google Doodle. One of the best Google Doodle is Les Pauls Guitar.

Now beside Doodle , You can Have fun in Google search too.

Lets try the latest Funny Google Trick. Just go to

* Type "
DO A BARREL ROLL" in the search Bar.

Sunday 3 June 2012

4.Write a Letter to Your Future Self From Past.

Have you ever tried to send a email to your Future ? If not, then you have to know about this website. Recently a website  called has launched a new service, where users can send emails to their future itself. This time capsule feature will allow users to send any kind of mail to any time in future. website will work like a simple web mail service. But will let the users to specify a date when the message should arrive. You can send any kind of mail. It can be a warning, advice, a happy moment or just a Hello from the past. is concept based on the principle that memories are less accurate then emails.

How Exactly Can you Send Emails to Your Future ?

You can send future self some words of inspiration. Or just share some thoughts on where you will be by next year, what you will do in the next year at this time. And then the email will travel to your time at that time and deliver it to your Inbox. You may think, what if i change the email id or what if the email id is not more active. For this problem, the site has already notified the users to use a personal Gmail, Yahoo, Rediff, Hotmail kind of email address or other personal webmail address which is permanent forever. If you have changed the address of your future letters, you can change them via account management from the site. They don’t want you to send your work one or any official one, because you might have changed from the current job.

The users have a option of going back into their emails ‘to the future’ and alter it to ensure the delivery. The site allows you to send emails privately and anonymously, but it will publish as ‘public but anonymous’ excepts of mails sent to various future selves. Many people have already sent their life sweet memories, sad moments and future goals already.

What’s so Special about ?

Many people are thrilled with the fact that how the mails written in past can appear in future. If its just 1 or 2years, we can remember them. But what if they are more than 8 or 10years? you wont remember nothing about it right?. Imagine you sending a mail to your future like around 6yrs: “I will be graduated by now and will be having a good job” This surprise email will popup your Inbox on the date set while sending. Because of some legal issues, You cannot send letters to future by naming other people. And ofcourse you can send advices to others via the site, but with serious restrictions.
Imagine you love a girl and feel a little bit scared to tell her, This future email will allow you to remember to tell her your love. You can send a future email to yourself saying. Its a year now, and i should go tell her how i used to feel about her. If you are lucky, she will meet you, and who knows you may get married to the same person. You can send letters to others also, but you need to be a registered user. Like, you can tell the girl about your love in past towards her. You can set the future mail with a minimum of 30days from the current date your send. When the other person will get a email, it will specify that it was sent from your email address. But its not easy to send anyone a mail just like that. There are strict rules and restrictions to avoid Spam, Abuse and other types of humiliation.
In case if you are worried whether you email will be sent to the delivery or not, you should make sure to confirm that you always check the email address is correct or not. And also make sure that the email id is not under spam in your Inbox. You can also read millions of other public emails in the site anytime. You can find out more info at You can also get this application to your iPhone. Hope you send your happy moments and inspiring words to your mail and enjoy the past moments of your life. If you have any queries on how exactly this will work, you can drop us a line below.

Saturday 2 June 2012


Do you want to monitor bandwidth or Track Net Usage

IT is called as Shalplus Bandwidth Meter.
You can use this software to track your net usage automatically. Most often people who are not in unlimited plans, used to checkout the service provider sites, That is not needed ofcourse, Now here is a solution..just download this small software which is less than 500 KB and use this to track your net usage.


Have you wondered is there any app that can just lock off your computer without having to touch the keyboard?
Well, there is.
here is the application for you all
BtProx ( is a free application that monitors the proximity of your computer to your cellphone or other bluetooth device . It will lock off your computer automatically, protecting its contents from prying eyes when the phone goes out of range which means you walk away from your computer. Obviously, you would take your cellphone you when you leave, wouldn't you? It will also unlock automatically when you return back, with your cellphone or other bluetooth device of course.
this is not all also with BtProx, you can set up an arrangement that automatically locks your computer and turns on the PC security system when you step away from the machine.

feel free to leave your comments...........
if you know some good applications you can write us at  :-

Friday 1 June 2012


We all use Microsoft Word to create documents.
and some times we dont want other people to access our documents
specially when you are on a shared computer in your company and you may have your certain secret data stored in your word document that should not be accessed by your boss or other employee’s.

To deal with such a situation Microsoft word 2007 integrated a security feature in Microsoft word so that you can password protect your files.

just follow these simple steps to make your document protected

Click on the Microsoft Office Button present on the top left corner of the window.
Now Click on the Save As option
Now a new window will pop up.
Click on Tools option at the bottom of the window.
Now you will have two options.
You can select either one or both options
One is Password To Open it will ask for the password every time the document is opened.
So to view the document you have to enter the password first.
Second is Password To Modify it will ask for the password every time somebody tries to modify the document.