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Monday 6 February 2012

4.Use Your Friends Facebook Pictures In Chat

Did you try using your friends Facebook pictures in chat ?If not, read this article and try with your friends. Facebook is getting more better and better. Now, you can surprise your friends with a new feature of showing images and other pictures in your chatbox. This amazing trick will impress your friends and they will love it for sure. This chat hack is not officially declared. But you can still use it the way you want. You can add your friends faces, random images, brand names, and other fan pages and group logos and pictures. Just you have to add a pair of double brackets and enter a name or id in between them.
You can add any of your friend’s profile id name or number to show 
their faces in the chat box. It can be anything, just you have to make sure to enter the text or number in double braces. You can add any thing from Facebook to get Facebook pictures in chat.

You can see a detailed description below to how to utilize this chat option. Make sure you follow the steps as it is for the first time. Later on, you can add your own images and pictures to make your chat box look amazing. Many people are not aware of this option. This would be your best way to play with your friends. and make them to please you to tell the hack. So here it goes. 

Use Your Friends Facebook Pictures In Chat :

1) Just open your chat box to chat with any of your friend.
2) Try using some common brand logos like Facebook, Google Plus or any other logos with their name.. Eg : [[Facebook]]
3) Now, try to use any friends name, make sure that they are exactly the same as their profile name.
4) Check out the below screenshot to see how the chat box looks when you are using this double brackets with some brand names or profile id’s.
5) Its a very simple trick to fool your friends. All you have to do is to get a proper id number and id name. The best way to get is via profile link of anything you want.
6) For example, in this screenshot, we have used two profiles.

8) We have used [[cocacola]] since it is a universal name and the profile name of that page or group will be with that symbol. Also check out KFC image and MC Donald’s images where we have inserted the profile id numbers of their official fan pages. Eg : Here we have used [[64264067994]] to use that image in our chat.
7) Similarly with Mc.Donald’s has followed the same steps
8) This is how you can use any Facebook id profile number or name to use them in your chat. Make sure you are using the [[ ]] brackets. You can directly use the famous images like [[Facebook]], [[Twitter]], [[GooglePlus]] and etc without any id names or id numbers.


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