One of Windows annoying so called “feature” is CHKDSK being automatically being run whenever you don’t shut down your computer
properly. You get the blue colored screen that
says “Checking file system on C: The type of the
file system is NTFS. One of your disks needs to
be checked for consistency. You may cancel th
e disk check, but it is strongly recommended
that you continue. To skip disk checking, press
![Disable CHKDSK at startup](
Simply pressing any key would stop CHKDSK
from running but when you restart your
computer, you’ll get this prompt again.
Sometimes even after letting CHKDSK scan the
drive that it wants to, CHKDSK would still
automatically run at next boot! Here’s how to
disable or stop CHKDSK at Windows bootup.
There are some people suggested to edit the
registry but the proper way to disable CHKDSK
from starting up is using the /x switch
on chkntfs command in command prompt. The
/x switch will exclude a drive from the default
boot-time check. If you have drive C: as your
hard drive, then the command to disable chkdsk
from scanning C: drive would be:
chkntfs /x c:
If you have 2 drive, C and D, you can disable
chkdsk with the command below
chkntfs /x c: d:
The chkntfs utility works by modifying the
BootExcecute value in the system registry. The
BootExecute value is located in the following,
regisstry key
The default value is for BootExecute is autocheck
autochk *. When you use the /x switch, it will
add a /k parameter prior to the asterisk. The /k
parameter excludes volumes from being checked
for the presence of a dirty bit.
For example, I run the command chkntfs /x c: in
command prompt. This command would modify
this registry entry to autocheck autochk /k:c *
![Remove chkdsk](
There are some experts believe that it is better
not to disable CHKDSK from scanning your hard
drive. But as for me, I don’t want CHKDSK to
scan my hard drive because if it finds anything
bad, it will change the file to File00001.CHK.
When that happens, I’ll have to use some third party tools to recognize and recover the CHK file.
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