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Tuesday 6 September 2011

16.How to save/download video from youtube ?

 Why you should download/save videos from youtube :

You found an interesting video from youtube and you want to save/download it to your computer and later share it with your friend or keep it as a collection. However, by default Youtube doesn't allow users to save/download the videos. It only allow user to send a hyperlink to the friends and invite them to go to youtube website to view the videos.

It will become a problem because these video may gone forever due to copyright infringement issues, why not save/download the video before it's too late ? 
 Steps to save/download the video from youtube

1.Click your favourite video clip, you can see the URL in your browser becomes something like this : 

2.highlight the URL (like above) and right click the mouse and select "copy"
3. Paste the URL at

4.Click down load and save
 that's it.......................



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