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Wednesday 17 August 2011

28.Change Windows Welcome Screen

                                                                                                          In Windows 7,the operating system briefly displays a rather bland welcome message during Start and Shutdown.If you don’t want this i have a solution for you.
Winbubble is a free Windows tweaking utility which helps you to swap in a fancy wallpaper or any image you want.In simple word it helps you to customize the welcome screen of Windows 7.
1. First of all download WinBubble,Install it and Run it.
2. Go to Windows 7 tab.
3. There you find different Log on Backgrounds(Default:Windows Available Wallpaper). Click one of them you like.You can choose other picture from BROWSE.
4. Click set to lock the new image in place.After that select View to see preview of welcome      screen.
5.If you want old Welcome Screen,just click Restore.
6.Apply the setting and restart your computer to watch new welcome screen.


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