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Wednesday 17 August 2011

33.Earn From Blog- AdclickMedia

After google Adsense Adclickmedia is best earning platform in the web… With AdClickMedia you can monetize from your websites, blogs, personal pages, and social networking sites instantly. We can connect and serve relevant ads on your web pages that your visitors will find value in, and get paid for each click that you provide our advertisers.
How It Works
Within minutes, you can start earning money from your existing traffic. 
  • Register Free in adclickmedia ( Free Signup Link)
  • Open your AdClickMedia account.
  • Choose the type of ad you would like to display.
  • Customize your ad panels to your website.
  • Choose the target audience.
  • Place the code on your web pages.
  • Monitor your earnings in real time 
  • Ads Type-:
  •   Photo Text Ads – Place customizable photo text ad panels on your pages and get paid 50% ad revenue for every click from your websites.Interstitial Ads – Interstitial Ads are full page ads show up in between pages. These ads are highly converting and has high earnings per click. 
    Banner Ads -  Display banners and get paid 50% for every click that your website produces.


Michael T. Craddock said...

Solid and well thought ideas for making money by addclicking. I wonder, does adclickmedia can also get junk traffic as well?

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