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Thursday 18 August 2011

45.The Meanings of Beep Codes you get when you Switch on the Computer

When a Computer is Switched on or Reset the Bios Checks the Hardware of the System through a process called POST or Power On Self Test to verify that the hardware functionality.
1. Testing the Central Processing Unit.
2. Checking the Bios System.
3. Checking the CMOS Configuration.
4. Initializing the Timer.
5. Initializing the DMA Controller.
6. Checking the Ram and Cache Memory.
7. Installing BIOS Functions.
8. Checking Other Configuration.

If Anything Above Fails the Bios Sends an Error Message to the Display Device(Only if the Display device is Initialized before get the error) or Starts a sequence of Beeps which tells the Source of Error or Sends an Error Code to the System's Serial Port.

What are the meanings of Beeps refers to the Error:

  1 Short - The Computer has Started Normally With no Errors.
  2 Short - CMOS Problem.
  1 long and 1 Short - Ram\Motherboard Problem.
  1 long and 2 Short - Problem in Graphics Card.
  1 long and 3 Short - Problem with the KeyBoard.
  1 long and 9 Short - Bios Failure.
  3 Beeps - Base 64K Ram Failure.
  4 Beeps - Refresh Error.
  5 Beeps - Processor Error.
  6 Beeps - Problem with the KeyBoard.
  8 Beeps - Problem with Graphics Card.
  Long incessant Beeps - Ram Problem.
  Short incessant Beeps - Power Supply Error


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