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Wednesday 17 August 2011

29.Create Partition Without Formatting

Partition without formatting is it possible? Sometimes you want to make extra partition of your hard disks in Windows 7.Usually computer user’s thinks that they must format the hard disk to make new partition.I am not talking about this.I also not saying to you to use third party software for to make new partition.You don’t have to copy your important files in separate drives during partition.
Just follow tips below to make new partition even your SYSTEM DRIVE.
1) Right click on My Computer and click Manage. Disk Management Window will Pop-up.
2) Click on Storage and then click Disk management at the left sidebar.

3) You can see all the storage media at the right column with their basic information like File system type, and status. Now you have to choose Disk Drive   that you want to partition. Right click on that drive and click Shrink Volume from menu.  After that windows automatically search free space available in that drive.
4) Shrink window will Pop-up.After that insert disk size you want to partition from Disk you choose.Choose according to your free space available in hard disk which you want to make partition.
5) After that click shrink.After some times you get new Disk without deleting data.
6) This newly created Disk is not accessible right now.
7)Right click on unallocated drive and choose New Simple Volume option.
8)Click on Next. Specify the size(you can choose whole size right now).
9) Choose Drive Letter you want and clock on Next.
10) Choose Format This Volume With Following Settings.  Choose NTFS (more secure than FAT32)  in File SystemDefault in Allocation Unit Size.Leave Volume as New Volume(You can give your desire name too).
11) Check Perform a Quick Format  to format quick.And click on Next.
12) Process is complete and you get new drive.


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