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Friday 19 August 2011

49.Fake a Webcam Conversation

This is a really fun how-to. Use it to prank your friends,  colleagues or pretty much anyone!
All you need is a instant messenger like Windows Live Messenger (formerly MSN), Yahoo! or AOL and program called Fake Webcam.

 This will let you play any video as a webcam on your messenger.

1. Download Fake Webcam and install
2. Download a video you want to display as webcam onto your desktop. Here are some free samples you might like.
3. Add the video to Fake Webcam (Control Panel -> Add File) and press play.
4. Now when you show your webcam to someone or have a video conversation, the video will play instead of the your
 real webcam. 99 % of people don’t know you can do this, so you can convince pretty much anyone. The   bad thing is
 that the Fake Webcam trial version will show
 its ad at the end of the video, so you’d better stop the conversation before it’s shown.


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