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Sunday 2 October 2011

3. Installing an Additional SMPS in your PC Installing an Additional SMPS in your PC

How can you not fall into trouble, if the power requirements of your computer aren't sufficiently provided for by your existing SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply)? You might be wondering "Why put an extra SMPS when I just installed one with 300 Watts of power?" Your answer lies therein.

Well, for most of you power users out there, plugging in say, more than 3 IDE devices, which might be a combination of anything, from Hard Disk drives to CD/DVD ROM / RW drives or the latest SATA drives is a common practice... but it can never go beyond 4 devices, isn't it? Oh, did I forget to mention that cooling fans need some power too. It is very likely that you might end up with a blown SMPS or an unstable PC in case the power requirements of your computer are way beyond what the SMPS can deliver.

Say, you got a combination of the above devices along with some fans and your friend has got over his HDD to copy some of the cool stuff to and from your drive. You would be in a mess trying to figure out which drive to disconnect in order to connect his drive.

In such a scenario, to get many devices connected inside your PC and running peacefully at the same time, the only viable option seems to be replacing your existing 300W SMPS with the more expensive 450W or higher variant. But there's one more thing you can do to solve this problem and save a few bucks. Simply add another SMPS to your existing rig and enjoy the ride!

Just buy another SMPS from the market, with a true rating of at least 350 Watts. In case you are one of those who own a power-hungry card like the Geforce 7800, better go in for something more heavy duty such as a true 400 Watts SMPS. Ideally, replace your existing SMPS with this one and use the older one to drive smaller and less power hungry items in your computer (assuming that your new SMPS has a higher power rating than the old one).

To use an additional SMPS, you need to simply attach it to the various devices that would draw power from it as regular devices do. The ATX power connector needs to get a jump signal to turn it on. This happens when the necessary pins are shorted. It receives such a signal through your motherboard when you press the power switch. As your motherboard would only have one slot to connect the SMPS connector, you cannot connect the second SMPS to it. So to turn it on, you need to short particular wires or pins on the ATX power connector. 

The particular pins are pin number 14 and 15. Well, to identify the pins, simply do the following. Hold the ATX power connector with the notch facing towards you. There are two rows of 10 pins each; one closer to the notch (row B) and one on the other side (row A). The first pin from the right on Row A is pin 1 and the one on the extreme left is pin 10. Pins 2 to 9 understandably lie in between. Now move to Row B. The rightmost pin is pin 11. Start counting from right to left till you locate pins 14 and 15. You need to short these two pins. Still confused? Check out the following image... that should help you out. Mind you, we are talking about an SMPS with a 20-pin connector.  

When finished with locating the pins, take a small piece of copper insulated wire and open the ends up. Twist the strands at each end to make them stiff enough to hold on to the innards of the plug. Next, insert one end into the socket of pin 14 and the other in socket 15. After inserting the ends inside the sockets, use some scotch tape or insulation tape to secure the wire from falling off. Place the SMPS in a location away from your processor socket to prevent the hot air from blasting onto the processor heat sink and raising the temperature further.

You can keep the SMPS outside the cabinet provided the power cables are long enough to reach the other devices. Next, plug in the power connectors to the devices and close your cabinet. Yes, there has to be a small gap or a groove somewhere for the necessary cables to enter the cabinet. Attach a power cord to the extra SMPS and turn the switch on. Now, turn the main PC on. Make sure your second SMPS is also on, in case you have hard disk drives attached to it. This must be done in such a manner as during boot time, the power on signal invokes the MBR loader in each hard disk, thereby, other drives connected to the second SMPS will either not be recognized by the BIOS or will take a long time to boot. Also, be sure not to turn off the second SMPS while running Windows, in case there are any hard drives attached to it. That way, you may stand to lose data. A smart thing to do would be to connect all your hard drives to the main SMPS and your cooling equipment to the secondary SMPS. This includes all the fans as well as any super turbine cooler engines you may have installed.

There you go. You are a lot more powerful now. I mean you have more power at your disposal. Now, this may not be the most aesthetically appealing setup but can prove extremely effective in terms of both, power and cost. Certainly worth a try if you need that extra power and don't have deep pockets.

Caution:   Beware of short circuits and blown SMPS or fried motherboards/CPUs if done in an incorrect manner. Kindly take precautions while doing this exercise by disconnecting the power supplies and other hard disks or IDE drives. Check for a grounding or earthing connection prior to installing an additional SMPS for safety sake.


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Unknown said...

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Anonymous said...

there is a spacial adopter for that it is more safer because it is use system power button to start both smps other wise you can connect green to green and black to black and put the master 24 pin power connector to the motherboard and start it, both will start with same time and shutdown both the power supply by soft shutdown ..

Anonymous said...

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